IPv6 support added to trunk.

Juli Mallett juli at clockworksquid.com
Thu Aug 13 00:29:22 PDT 2009

Hey folks,

On platforms other than Solaris, WANProxy trunk should now support
IPv6.  If you try the IPv6 support and find any bugs or shortcomings,
please let me know.

Solaris should be easy enough to make work, but it lacks
gethostbyname2(3) and I'm being lazy.

A WANProxy 0.5.1 release will probably follow soon with IPv6 support
and a few minor cleanups, etc.

If you're keen to try IPv6 addresses, just specify a family of 'IPv6'
instead of 'IPv4' in your config file, e.g. this bit of the sample

create interface if0
set if0.family IPv4
set if0.host ""
set if0.port "3300"
activate if0

Would become:

create interface if0
set if0.family IPv6
set if0.host "::1"
set if0.port "3300"
activate if0


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