Socket error

Igor Ivanov iivanovforever at
Thu Jul 10 09:14:49 PDT 2014

Dear all,

After running WANProxy (0.8.0) for some time I started to notice following
errors on the server side:

1403673349.946080 /socket ERR: static Socket* Socket::create(Socket Address
Family, Socket Type, const std::string&, const std::string&): Invalid
protocol: tcp
1403673349.946171 /wanproxy/proxy/proxy0/connector INFO: Connect failed:
<Error>/0 Success

Once they appear, it seems I can't use the solution anymore and need to
restart it.

Looking at libuinet code (where the error comes from) it seems the
"getprotobyname" API fails, however, my /etc/protocols file looks good and
does have a valid entry for "tcp" protocol.

Any thoughts?

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